Taylor's University

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Small In Size. Complete With Organs.

Snails, being strange creatures exist and survive in nature due to their unique characteristics  and abilities. Today, we will share what we have researched about the snail anatomy.

Snails are very similar in many ways just like the human body. They have lungs, a liver, stomach, kidneys, etc just like humans do. The big difference would be that most of the vital organs of a snail are positioned within their shells for the most protection from harm.

Many snails have tentacles, used to "see" but with poor eyesight. They overcome this with their great sense of smell. They also have a mouth at the bottom of their heads.

Snails have great sense of smell

The shell is the most recognized feature of a snail. Made of calcium carbonate, it grows with the size of the snail and serves as a mobile home for them. Snails use their shell to protect themselves from predators smaller than them. Even though snails move slowly from place to place, they are quick to enter their shells whenever danger is present.

Rocks are made of Calcium Carbonate as well

Snails technically have only one foot, they move slowly by contracting and releasing their muscles to push themselves forward leaving behind a trail of mucus. The mucus acts as a lubricant to reduce friction while moving. With less friction, injury can be avoided while moving. Therefore, they can move on sharp objects without injuring themselves. Apart from that, this mucus also allows snails to move upside down and in between corners.

Snails are able to move over the edge of a knife without hurting themself

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