Mendieta e Inodoro Pereyra ( personajes de Fontanarrosa )

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a book with an image of a dog under an umbrella
a comic strip with an image of two people talking to each other and one person in the
Inodoro Pereyra ''El Renegau'' - Escabullidos
a cartoon is shown in the language of spanish
a comic strip with an image of a cat and dog talking to each other in spanish
a comic strip with two people talking to each other
a comic strip with an image of a man talking to another person
a drawing of two people talking to each other
an open book with a cartoon drawing of a man sitting in a chair talking to another person
a cartoon dog sitting on top of a hill looking at the sky with clouds in the background
Running for a Dream, un galgo, una acción
a white piece of paper with an image of a person and a dog on it
Roberto Fontanarrosa nació en la ciudad de Rosario, en 1944. Su carrera comenzó como dibujante humorístico, destacándose rápidamente por su calidad y por la rapidez y seguridad con que ejecutaba sus dibujos. Estas cualidades hicieron que su producción gráfica fuera copiosa. Entre sus personajes más conocidos están el matón Boogie El Aceitoso y el gaucho Inodoro Pereyra (con su perro Mendieta). Su fama trascendió las fronteras de Argentina.
a cartoon drawing of a man looking at a thought bubble with the words que lo pario on it
Mendieta. Fontanarrosa.
a cartoon character sitting on top of a bench holding a teddy bear in her lap
Mafalda consuela a Mendieta. Partió su papá.
a comic strip with two people talking to each other
(El 'Negro' Fontanarrosa)
a comic strip with words in spanish and english
Inodoro Pereyra - (Fontanarrosa)
a black and white cartoon drawing of a man talking to another person with two speech bubbles above his head
Inodoro Pereyra ''El Renegau''
a comic strip with two people talking to each other
a cartoon drawing of a man sitting on top of a chair with a dog looking at him
Lustro de la muerte del historietista Fontanarrosa
an animated image of a man holding a guitar and dog standing in front of him
FRASES DE INODORO PEREYRA (Roberto Fontanarrosa)
Endijpué de tantos años, si tengo que elegir otra vez, la elijo a la Eulogia con los ojos cerrados. Porque si los abro elijo a otra".
a comic strip with an image of a dog and a man talking to each other
a comic strip with two people talking to each other
Inodoro Pereyra ''El Renegau''
a man sitting at a table with his hands folded in front of him and the caption reads,'el verdadoro hombre intelligente es se que
Roberto Fontanarrosa
a comic strip with an image of a man talking to another person in the background
Son Inodoro
a comic strip with two people talking to each other
Inodoro Pereyra
a comic strip with two people talking to each other
Inodoro Pereyra ''El Renegau''
Inodoro Pereyra
a cartoon drawing of a man playing the guitar and another person sitting on a stool
Inodoro Pereyra y Mendieta
a comic strip with an image of different types of objects
a comic strip with an image of a dog talking to another person in the background
Y más Inodoro
"El Negro" Fontanarrosa, seu sensacional Inodoro Pereyra e o cusco Mendieta.
a cartoon depicting two men talking to each other and one man holding a horse's head
Inodoro Pereyra ''El Renegau''
Inodoro Pereyra ''El Renegau''
a black and white drawing of a person with a sign above it that says,
a cartoon drawing of a man talking to another person with a speech bubble above his head
a cartoon drawing of a man holding a knife and looking at another person with a thought bubble above his head
Inodoro Pereyra – Sudakia
Inodoro Pereyra | Sudakia - Inodoro Pereyra de Roberto Fontanarrosa. La obra Domingo Faustino: en su libro Facundo es una opción por la civilización, frente a la barbarie del gaucho.
a comic strip with two people talking to each other
an image of a cartoon with words in spanish and english on the side of it
ARGENTINA. Inodoro Pereyra y Mendieta. Genial creación de un gran argentino: Fontanarrosa.
a cartoon strip with an image of two dogs talking to each other
a black and white drawing of a cartoon character with a speech bubble above his head
Roberto Fontanarrosa: Lo mejor de Inodoro Pereyra
Los comics de Machete: A diez años de la muerte de Roberto Fontanarrosa: Lo mejor de Inodoro Pereyra
a comic strip with two people talking to each other
Inodoro Pereyra - Recordando al querido Negro Fontanarrosa -
a cartoon drawing of a man talking to another person with speech bubbles above his head
Inodoro Pereyra
Las flautas de Nunca Jamás: Inodoro Pereyra
a comic strip with an image of a man talking to another person in the background
Inodoro Pereyra ''El Renegau''
Inodoro Pereyra ''El Renegau''
a comic strip with an image of two people talking to each other and one has a bird on his head
MDZ Online
Inodoro Pereyra (el renegáu) es una historieta argentina creada en 1972 por el escritor y dibujante argentino Roberto Fontanarrosa, que trata sobre la vida de un gaucho solitario de la pampa argentina. #Humor
a man with a goatee smiles while sitting in front of a sign that says louis de alba
Roberto Fontanarrosa es reconocido como uno de los mejores dibujantes y creadores de humor gráfico de la historia de Argentina. Los personajes de “Inodoro Pereyra” mostraron su enorme capacidad para divertir a sus lectores durante toda su exitosa carrera. Roberto Fontanarrosa “El negro” nació el 26 de noviembre de 1944 en la ciudad de Rosario, para convertirse en uno de los dibujantes humorísticos más importantes de la historia de Argentina.
a comic strip with two people talking to each other
Inodoro Pereyra ''El Renegau''
Inodoro Pereyra
a comic strip with an image of a dog talking to another dog
Inodoro Pereyra ''El Renegau''
Inodoro Pereyra ''El Renegau''
a comic strip with an image of a man talking to another person
Twitter. It's what's happening.
a drawing of a dog with a thought bubble above it that says i que lo pario
Inodoro Pereyra. Caricatura de Roberto Fontanarrosa. Argentina
an image of cartoon dogs playing with each other
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a cartoon depicting a dog and its owner talking to each other
Resultado de imagen
a cartoon dog sitting on top of a wooden bench next to a person with a speech bubble
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a comic strip with an image of a dog talking to a man in the background
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