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demotivational posters

demotivational, funny, dungeons and dragons, memes, dnd, dungeons and dragons memes, demotivational posters, D&D, rpg, tips, gaming, board games, tabletop games

Comical Dungeons & Dragons Tips as Mock Motivational Posters For Adventurers Lingering In All Corners Of The Interwebs

New to Dungeons & Dragons ? Here's a handful of tips, free of charge: 1. If your party gets lost in a maze, just follow the trail of discarded character sheets back to where you started. 2. To make the game more exciting, replace your DM with a magic eight ball. Shake it forcefully before each decision and prepare for unpredictable plot twists. 3. When faced with a locked door, don't bother with lock-picking. Just yell, “Knock, knock!” and wait for a “Who's there?” 4. Need a quick disguise? Jus…
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