Pierre Carles

Pierre Carles

Still: Guerrilla des Farc, l'avenir a une histoire
Before becoming a filmmaker Pierre CARLES (1962, France) studied social work and journalism and worked as a camera operator for a news programme. He began his career as a director making documentary short films for the Belgian television show Strip Tease (1985-2012). Carles’ first feature documentary Pas vu pas pris (1998) criticised contemporary forms of media. His second feature film Sociology is a Martial Art (2001) was the only film about French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu that portrayed him while he was still alive. During 25-year career Carles has developed an increasing interest in the history of clandestine revolutionary organisations in France and South America.


(all doc, selection) Pas vu pas pris (1998), Sociology is a Martial Art (2001), Enfin pris? (2002), Danger! (2003, co-dir), Volem rien foutre al païs (2007, co-dir), Choron dernière (2009, co-dir), Fin de Concession (2010), Un berger et deux perchés à l'Elysée? (2019, co-dir), Guerrilla des Farcs, l'avenir a une histoire (2024)

More Info: Pierre Carles