How To: Convert Your Old Apple iMac G4 into a Cable-Ready HDTV

Convert Your Old Apple iMac G4 into a Cable-Ready HDTV

Most of us have traded our desktop systems for laptops, tablets, and mobile devices, meaning there's a lot of outdated hardware sitting in attics. Want to give your old computer a new purpose? Matthew Chappee turned his iMac G4 into an HDTV using the guide by Dremel Junkie.

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One thing to note before you take on this project yourself is that if you want to use it to watch cable, you'll need a converter box to get around the MPAA's HDCP restriction. But, a converter box is considerably less expensive than an HDTV, so if you need to save some cash, or just want to use this as a second display, it's still worth doing.

Matthew started by taking apart the base and removing the CD-ROM, hard drive and motherboard.

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Next, he found the video cable and pulled it off the motherboard, then stripped off the internal connector. That left him with a bunch of tiny wires, which make up the TMDS signal. He split the cable, then attached a DC power supply to the inverter, control, and TMDS wiring.

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After adding power leads to the control and TMDS wires, he connected everything according to the DVI-pinout and attached a DVI to HDMI adapter.

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To finish up, he coated everything with hot glue to keep the connections in place, then cleaned up the wires and shoved everything back inside the base.

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You can find more photos and instructions on Matthew's blog, and detailed advice and technical specs over on Dremel Junkie.

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hello, I can not make the connections for HDMI. yambém is true that I have no experience and can help me? just a photo and detailed connection already help.

waiting for reply
good mods!

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