Devs respond to Eskay

Member how this forum posted the video when Eskay was complaining about ow2 as fuel to their hatred?

Well now that’s she’s happy the devs responded I’m sure there will be no hypocritical posts about how her “top 500 opinion doesn’t actually matter” all of a sudden.

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Its called selling out…

Only thing worse is taking a advertising deal for RAID.

But in all seriousness. You think these streamers/ content creators care? No. The game is just an easy content source for profit…


She’s criticizing blizzard in the video again,
but nice try


Well i learned rn that this person exist, and to me no opinion of top 500 really matter, but im not dev they actually would listen to higher ranked i guess ignoring all the lower ranks players asking for normal ranked since OW2 started.

Shows how little i value the opinion of someone just because they post a video on YouTube…

People act like it makes them all knowing…

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Looks like your average shill like flats, make some criticism to cover-up they are sell outs.


Or being Fran and scamming viewers out of a NFT scam lol.


I just don’t like how Eskay calls some heroes brain dead easy. She also has a huge ego and tries to hide it but just isn’t very modest. She is the type to make fun of someone for being a lower rank cause I saw her do it in a video of hers (it was in response to toxic duo but she still did it). I respect getting top 500 on all roles, but that’s it.

The video was just complaint #1001 about the rank system changing from sr. It seems she finally got the devs attention about the issue, so that’s good and we can thank her for that. But this just proves that they value content creators opinions over that of the community. Though they don’t listen to all their opinions, only the ones that get popular. Popular opinion on forums? Silence. It makes you wonder why this forum even exists.


But it’s the community that made her post trend.

The community pushed her post to the top.

In comes you: “They don’t listen to the community”


Her post even trended on the forums.


I read the dev post and it’s the usual, broken promises => angry community => more promises => happy community => broken promises, rinse and repeat.

If they didn’t remove so much from OW1 to OW2 for no reason we wouldn’t even be in this situation.

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Like what?
LFG? I thought you guys hated stacking and boosters being enabled
6v6? You can cry about the ability “I want to bubble my Reinheart instead of a dps diving” - the queue times proved otherwise
Lootboxes? - couldn’t be helped.

I would like LFG back, but it will probably come only when they make a party only mode.

Anyone with intelligence could see the ranking ui and feedback was bad.

Shouldn’t have made it past qa.

But here we are what have to praise a CC for stating something so obvious,

That even 12 year old genji mains could tell you.


I’m just curious what will happen when they revert it.

I mean, they kinda are the ones telling it.

My point is that people here complain without genuine opinions of their own, or original thoughts.

They won’t properly revert it, you could see from his tone in the blog.

They will probably do something more dumb, like put alarm bells for loss or reduce loss count to 5.

Or put something like your mmr decayed.

I have zero faith in them to do the right thing


It’s the CC that piggy back on people’s sentiments for views

If someone makes sense, their rank doesn’t really matter much.


It does for various reasons from having better matchups to improving and for evaluating the skill

Ofcourse the whole system and matchmaker is a joke in overwatch 2 but this is what comp and ranking generally means.

There is a reason being DMG in cs is respected even though it’s only like masters and there are ranks above it.

I think you misunderstood.

It only appears popular to the devs because the video became popular due to the community watching and sharing it. Other popular opinions go unnoticed. Hence how they note that the feedback was recent despite people complaining since the launch of ow2.

What’s the problem? Some heroes are brain dead easy.

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The problem is you