
Desy Safán-Gerard

Venice, CA, USA

Desy Safán-Gerard was born in Chile. She is a painter as well as a Training and Supervising Analyst at the Psychoanalytic Center of California (PCC) in Los Angeles.
She has led a three-fold life in music, painting and psychoanalysis. As a psychoanalyst she has been carrying out her clinical work, written several important papers on creativity, and taught psychoanalytic courses. As a painter she translates music into the visual realm, and creates paintings based on the music of Boulez, Shostakovich, Piazzola, Brockman, and Kraft.

In the last few years Desy has developed a performance, painting with both hands while a nude model moves to the music of contemporary composers. These performances have taken place in Paris and most recently in Los Angeles at Art Share L.A., November 2013.

She has just finished writing her book on creativity entitled Chaos and Control: A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Unfolding Creative Minds to be published by Routledge, London, in March 2018.

Books by Desy Safán-Gerard