• Jay Zagorsky

    Jay Zagorsky (GRS’87,’92), a Questrom School of Business senior lecturer in markets, public policy, and law, can be reached at zagorsky@bu.edu.  Profile

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There are 18 comments on I Will Teach My 10,000th BU Student This Summer. Here’s What I’ve Learned

  1. Congratulations on your achievement, that is quite a milestone!!. Also thank you for putting together this article, neatly crafted and very informative.

  2. What a fascinating reflection! Professor Jay Zagorsky’s recount of his journey in teaching 10,000 students provides a unique window into his experiences and captures the evolution of technology and teaching methodologies.

    His adaptability in embracing these changes, ongoing commitment to education, and knack for engaging his lessons through storytelling are all truly inspiring.

    This article underscores that teaching is about disseminating knowledge and learning from students, and I love how he highlighted this aspect.

    Professor JZ, your dedication to education and ability to evolve with the times is an excellent lesson for all educators.

    Thank you for sharing these valuable insights.

  3. Amazing achievement, congratulation’s Jay Z! Wishing you can achieve the 20.000 students mark to keep your positive influence among many others.

  4. Congratulations Professor Jay Z on teaching 10,000 students! You were an incredible professor in the Online MBA program. Wishing you more interesting stories and adventures teaching the next 10,000 students and beyond. Thank you!

  5. Congratulations Professor Jay Z! You are the professor students hope to teach their course. Three of four of our son’s grandparents were teachers. Noble profession. Thank you for your dedication, insight and word of wisdom.

  6. Thank you for sharing, Dr. Zagorsky! As a retired high school special education teacher, I totally relate with lesson #1: always have a back-up plan. That’s a good recommendation for life in general. Blessings on your continued teaching journey!

  7. Dr. Jay Zagorsky, you have been one of the most impactful teacher / professor I have learned from in my entire life and I am not young (49+)! I have really enjoyed learning from you and so many of us love your sense of humor. You are very passionate about teaching and it shows. Hats off to you. May be BU should start a class where the students are less experienced professors who can learn from you how to teach.

    Congratulations and wish you all the best.

  8. Congratulations Professor Jay Z! You are a legend of BU.
    I couldn’t forget your lectures and it is still useful and very effective as an MBA student.
    I hope that you continue your teaching journey happily and joyfully.

  9. Congratulations Professor Jay Z !!! I really appreciate you always use short and fun daily life story to introduce difficult concept in your class. You are such an incredible professor in the OMBA program. I wish you enjoying your continue teaching journey.

  10. What a wonderful reflection for a teacher like me who only recently joined the teaching profession. Thank you for your insights! Congratulations for all you have done for BU!

  11. Sorry I just missed you, having graduated just 2-3 years before you started teaching. Glad to see BU continued to hire great teachers after I graduated. I really enjoyed my classes at BU, and professors like you really make a difference to students. Thanks for sharing your story.

  12. Congratulations on this most significant milestone, Jay. You have had a huge impact on thousands of lives and careers. I am sure the University and its future students are looking forward to many more years of your insight and guidance.

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