Health & Fitness

David Gandy On Keeping Fit

Image may contain David Gandy Human Person Clothing Shorts and Apparel
PA Photos

RENOWNED for his muscular physique, model and blogger David Gandy has followed up the success of his Men's Style Guide App with a new David Gandy Fitness and Training App. Here, he shares with us his fitness tips and secrets.

Why have you decided to launch this app?

Demand really. I constantly get asked questions about staying in shape and my physique by men and women. Questions vary from how much I train and what exercises I do, to how many days a week I work out. I've even had gym personal trainers ask to train with me! So, I decided to share everything I have learnt from the last 12 years of training so that people who want to get into shape, no matter what level of fitness they're at, can get advice that is tailored for them and genuinely works.

What's your fitness regime?

If I'm in training for a campaign like Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue then I will train five times a week in the gym for about a month before. In between times, I go about three times a week with a couple of runs a week.

Do you enjoy exercise, or is it something you have to motivate

yourself to do?

Some days after a long day or jumping off a flight the last thing I feel like doing is going to the gym at 9.30pm, but the satisfaction afterwards is always worth the hard work.

There are also other days that I hugely look forward to working out. I do work out with friends as often as I can though, and change my routine to make sure it never gets boring.

What is the best thing about your new app?

I think that it can cover training for both men and women and also covers all levels of training from beginner to expert.

There are so many training books and some can be 300 pages long. I'm not sure how people are supposed to know what works and doesn't. Hopefully the app simplifies that for people, firstly by narrowing down the exercises that I know work and then by simplifying the body type that you want to aim towards with the Lean, Cut and Bulk sections. Plus it's very easy to take with you to the gym!

The David Gandy Fitness and Training App will be available from iTunes App Store, Amazon App Store and Google Play Store priced £2.99. Read more: Style File - David Gandy