Troy Rafferty, Attorney at Law

Here’s what can happen if a student threatens or commits violence on campus

The consequences for committing violence on school grounds can be lifelong.

By Troy Rafferty, Attorney at Law
Whether a student is a perpetrator or a witness of school violence, threatening or committing violence on school campus can carry severe, lifelong consequences.

This is a partial list of potential characteristics of those who have committed some of the worst acts of school violence:

— Feeling alone and misunderstood.

— Being victimized by bullies.

— Living in a home where there is a lot of anger and/or violence.

— Suffering from depression or other mental illnesses.

It’s understandable how these feelings and experiences could lead to extreme anger toward others. But did committing crimes make the issues go away? No. In fact, using violence as an outlet for these young people only created more problems for them. Choosing to commit acts of school violence can have severe long-term consequences for students. Here’s a look at a few examples.

Bringing a weapon to school

To begin with, even having a weapon on campus is punishable by law. According to the Gun-Free Schools Act, students who bring a firearm to school will be expelled for a minimum of one year and may be referred to the criminal or juvenile justice system. There is also a likely chance that many of the students who enter the juvenile system will end up in prison as adults. Spontaneously acting on anger and choosing to bring a weapon onto campus can have detrimental consequences that last years — or even decades.

Threatening violence

Some students are carrying so much pain inside that they want to get the attention of those around them through threats of violence. This is not a good idea. In fact, zero tolerance laws state that if a student even threatens violence against anyone at school, on school transportation or at a school-sponsored event, the same one-year-minimum expulsion consequences may apply.


Movies often depict schoolyard violence as a normal part of being a teenager. Tensions frequently run high on school campuses, and disagreements and misunderstandings can quickly become violent. What happens if a student physically attacks another student and it gets out of hand, resulting in severe bodily harm? Gone are the days when such actions simply amounted to time in detention or a few days of suspension. Law enforcement is usually called in, and those engaging in the violence may end up in jail. If battery charges are brought, a student could end up having a felony charge against them. This mark on their record could potentially stay with them for the rest of their lives, impacting their ability to get a job or housing in the future.

Joining a gang

When students feel victimized, sad or alone, joining a gang can provide a sense of belonging. But many gangs are engaged in violent criminal activities, and regardless of whether a student participates in the violence with their own hands, they could be guilty by association. According to Florida law, if a gang member “intentionally causes, encourages, solicits, or recruits another person to become a criminal gang member where a condition of membership or continued membership is the commission of any crime,” they can be charged with a felony. Additionally, if the recruiter is 18 years or older, any acts committed on behalf of the gang can lead to enhanced punishment.

Starting adult life with such a huge criminal burden can easily be avoided. There are many school-sponsored sports, clubs and groups that cater to the widest range of interests. Finding friends who share common interests can seem daunting, but it is possible with a little effort. Choosing this course, instead of the former, can mean the difference between a life spent in and out of jail and one filled with positive opportunities and experiences.