What's on Georgia May Jagger's Vanity Table?

Image may contain Georgia May Jagger Human Person Fashion Premiere and Face

Before you knew her as Cara Delevingne’s BFF, an Instafamous supermodel, or (most recently) the newest face of Rimmel London__ __and Angel by Thierry Mugler, this English-born beauty was simply rock 'n' roll royalty. The daughter of Rolling Stones lead singer Mick Jagger and American model Jerry Hall____, Georgia May has always been in the spotlight. Now, at just 22 years old, with modeling campaigns for Chanel, Miu Miu, Versace, and Vivienne Westwood under her belt, the five-foot-seven (same height as Kate Moss) "It girl" is making her mark in the beauty world, one flash of her signature gap-toothed smile at a time. Constantly under the microscope of the camera (be it a selfie on her iPhone or behind the S.L.R. of Norman Jean Roy), we couldn’t help but wonder how she keeps her skin so flawless, her lips always full of color, and her hair voluminous, 24/7. So we asked her, What’s on your Vanity Table? Lucky for us, she was happy to let us in on her beauty secrets.